Monday, July 13, 2009

Listen and Accept; Deuteronomy

Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. Deuteronomy 30:19-20

So sorry, it has been a while. I have been thinking of all of you out there, but...I don't know. I don't want to say I have been too busy... just reading, digesting, listening, holding onto, working know, expanding, healing...
Hope you will be happy to know that my putting is getting better. Could be because I took some advice from the spouse??? Boy, do I hate to admit that! I finally broke down and asked him (who is a much better putter, by the way) what he saw when I putted. He told me my head was not over the ball and I was not striking the ball with a square putter head. What do you know it worked, he was right. I went back to an older putter I used to use, it is a blade, and I can get over the puts with it. My, my...strange what can happen when you listen.
That's what I have been doing in my spiritual walk lately...listening. To the voice of the Bible, the voice of a couple of authors (esp. Joyce Rupp), the voices at church, friends. Wisdom comes from many sources if we listen. Just think how many in the Bible listen. Make a little list; Mary, Abraham, Moses, Job.
Listen, then accept. That is the final punch, have to accept the word. The Holy Spirit will speak to you, start to listen and hold on.

1 comment:

Joyful said...

Amazing...God is telling us something. See what I found the other day
Glad you're back as I missed you but I understand that sometimes we are "living and growing" apart from blogging.