Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Trouble Witnessing? Just Listen

A truthful witness gives honest testimony, but a false witness tells lies. Proverbs 12:17

I am in the second day of a two day tounament. Didn't do too good yesterday. No, that is not the truth, I did very well on 15 holes and very poorly on three. On most of the good holes I couldn't have done better, but, boy oh boy, on those stinky ones I could half my scores and still improve! Bad.
To me these two days of golf are a great chance to witness. Now, four or five years ago I could not have said that. I was afraid to witness, I was embarrassed. Basically I didn't know how to do it. I was afraid I would say the wrong thing or give the wrong information. But I think I have now found the key, at least for me. Listening and telling the truth.
First, I usually don't initiate the subject. I listen for The Question. When you spend time with folks, have conversation say on the golf course, in waiting rooms, at parties there are usually many chances to listen. Really focus on what the other is saying. Most often they will ask you what you would do about something or other. How you would respond to a friend causing a problem, what would you do about a child that is going astray. People really like to talk about their hurts and problems. Listen to them, first, this is a chance to show them someone cares. Second, it is a chance to speak of love and forgiveness.
As far as giving the correct information, all you can do is give honest testimony about how love and forgiveness have worked in your life. The Holy Spirit will take what you say and make it useful to the other.
Just listen to what others are saying and asking. Then honestly respond to them with God's love. That is a witness.

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