Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A Heart AT Peace

A heart at peace gives life to the body,
but envy rots the soul.
Proverbs 14:30
OK, so no golf to day. But a related task. I am cleaning house for the golf group and husbands. They are coming for dinner Friday night. I thought about not dusting in a couple of spots and telling people if they pick up a picture they need to put in down in the exact spot so the dust line wouldn't show, however, that sounded a bit lame. So I dusted those spots and felt better.
Remember what we discussed yesterday? About letting go some attitudes or bad feelings? Did you do it? Well... housecleaning is a good time to work on that. I always try to remember to pray and thank God for my blessings while I work. Thank you Lord that I have this home, a safe place to live and entertain. I worked on a bad attitude as I cleaned. Lord, so and so has a maid service. Opps, didn't sound too grateful, sounded like a little envy to me. So I figured it was a good time to dig a little deeper and see if I had a little problem brewing. I peeled off a layer or two of some envy that I didn't realize was starting to run around in my mind. Want my soul to be calm and beautiful...not rotting!

If you don't know how to start praying or talking to your Maker, I have a good place to start.
Just say...Thank You for all You have given me, thank You for all You have taken away, and thank You for all You have left me with. A good friend of mine told me that. It sure is good when you cannot think of anywhere to start. I sure have a lot I am left with to be thankful for. Starting with the good friends that are coming over Friday night.

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