Thursday, June 5, 2008

Cleaning Out The Never Ending Dust

How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity! Psalm 133:1

No golf today. The group is scattered and it is too windy anyway. Windy, windy, windy. That translates to dust, dust, dust.
Yeasterday I cleaned with a vengences. I mean I got into places that had been ignored for weeks... OK, months. I cleaned, threw out, put back what was left and then cleaned some more. Now you have to think of something while you clean, so I did some attitude cleaning. I took out some relationships, looked at the dirt that had accumalated around them, cleaned them up and then looked at them as new and shiny.
I don't find it easy to live in unity with my friends and family when there are rough edges or little dirty spots adhering to the surfaces. I know the relationships are good and clean and pure under the fuzzy stuff I let get in the way. So periodically I need to clear off the dirt and dust that has gotten in the way. Maybe dirt is too harsh a word, but I cannot think of another right now. Anyway, yesterday I sorted out a lot of thoughts in my mind that were getting in the way of love. Fortunately none of them were huge, just little spots that were not needed nor useful. As I did that I of course found that a lot of those spots were imaginary, of my own making.
Now today there is more wind and I can see a fine line of dust on some surfaces. But, as you get older and see the dust build up, you realize that it is a lot easier to clean when you first see it. Don't let that dust build, on your shelves or your relationships. Clean it all up. Then you can function in unity. In clean, pure love.

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