Friday, September 19, 2008

Prayer Friday Ephesians 4:3

Make every effort to keep the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:3

Thank you to wayfarerjon at for the reminder of this verse. His story will lead us into our weekly prayer.

Loving Creator, Living Christ, Bold and Caring Holy Spirit,

Thank you for all the blessings that have flowed into my life this week and every week. I am sure I have not noticed many because I was too busy or inattentive to recognize them. But they are there.

I want so much to keep the bond of peace alive in my life at every breath. I know it starts with me. Help me do nothing to endanger the love that should and can flow between and in all of your creation.

I believe in the Living Christ and the Body of Christ. I will do no harm. I will look for those you have put in my life to help keep the unity. I will make every effort to guard my mind and my mouth from doing anything to upset the Peace beyond all understanding.


1 comment:

Sage said...

I feel a great burden for our country....we are in an economic crisis brought about by lack of leadership on the part of both parties. Families are hurting financially and I fear we are in danger of seeing our country destroyed.