Monday, September 15, 2008

Waiting To Play The Course Psalm 130:5

I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope. Psalm 130:5

There they are, all lined up waiting to be put on the carts, so they can play the course. I love to see the bags of the other golfers. Some so generic, some all fancied up. Of course they are not of much good until their player comes along and uses them. Just sitting there, looking cute.

What am I doing? Do I just sit around waiting for the Lord to come? Maybe not looking cute, but maybe...useless. Don't get me wrong, I love this verse, I believe this verse. My soul does wait, I wait. But are we just supposed to sit there?

I don't think so. I think along with the waiting we are here to be used, to be "played". Sometimes I get wrapped up in the waiting for God to show me something big that needs to be done. I forget that all the things I think of as little everyday duties or routines that are not so important, really are important. I need to remind myself that all the small "niceties" I do for others are a show of love and concern. A glass of water fetched, a sock picked up...a prayer said.

This week, while our souls wait, let's be mindful that every act of kindness we do for another is an act of love for one of God's creations. You have no one to help? You are laid up in that chair or bed? How about some prayers for your neighbors, helpers, our country, thank you for the birds, the sun, the air you breathe?

Let's wait for the Lord, let's put all our hope in his word. Let's let him play us while we wait.

1 comment:

Sage said...

Waiting is probably one of the hardest things we ever have to do. But as you said there are things we can do while we wait.

Mountain Sage