Thursday, October 16, 2008

Reverence Of The Lord

He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure. Isaiah 33:6

Sorry I have not been here. It has been a busy week. No golf as my ankle sprain is still bothering me. As I played through it in last week's tournament, I thought I had better treat it better this week. So ice is the name of the game. However, I have still had "places to go and people to see"! Today I help register the men playing in a tournament at our course. They donated a putter to our raffle, so this is gratitude day. Thanks fellows.

Gratitude day. Wouldn't it be nice if we treated every day as a "gratitude day"? If we payed special attention to being thankful for every little thing others do for us? Really meant our "Thank yous"?

I have spent much time this week thinking about how our Creator is the sure foundation of my life and how to share that with non-believers. How to recognize the chances God puts in front of me to witness. To explain that "fear of the Lord" means reverence not a boo/scare.

The closer we get to God, the easier it is to understand and soak in the wisdom, knowledge and love of our Maker. I want others to realize the joy of learning to sit still and just make their life open to the wonder of the Maker that made them.

May you take that time today; be filled with the wonder and love.

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