Thursday, October 2, 2008

Slow Down, Honey

The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. Psalm 103:8

Played with the Thursday girls today, first time in 10 days. You should have seen me. I think it was such a beautiful day and I was so happy to be there that I just whipped through every swing. I mean at warp speed. Now if you are new to golf, I need to tell you this is not a good thing :( Your swing should be slow and easy. Just let the club head do the work. I was so fast on my swings I sware Sister Judy said "Slow down, honey". Kinda like "Whoa, Nellie". I finally listened, but I was on a fast roll there for a while.
So when I got home I thought I would get out my Strong's and see how the word "slow" was used in the Bible. Shows up 14 times and 10 of those have to do with anger or wrath. It comes down from a Hebrew root word meaning "long". So I need to take a long time letting my anger build. Maybe I can take so long I forget what I am upset about. Easy to do as my memory is getting shorter and shorter.
I love it when a thought on the golf course leads me to the Bible to look for a word or topic. So, today I found out I need to take a long time letting my back swing build and a long time letting it release for a good shot. I found out I need to take a long time thinking about what I am upset about and maybe I'll take so long to get angry, I won't :)

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