Monday, April 28, 2008


" that in all things God maybe praised through Jesus Christ." 1Peter 4:11

Praise, who doesn't love it! I played in a golf tournament this weekend. Gents verses the Ladies. We had a great time. So much laughter and teasing went on it was hard to catch it all. And praise. As I passed different foursomes it was gratifying to hear the compliments and praises being offered. Some of them hidden in a joke or tease, many of them out right admiration for a great shot or putt. Partners building up partners, opponents appreciating another's skill. You could see the joy praise gives by the look on the receiver's face. It seems to take us to a higher level. Some players just glowed to hear something nice said about them. When you give praise it makes you feel so good to see it's effect in the body language of the other person. Good for both. And it spreads. It is so much more fun to build up than to tear down.

As we praise God's creation we please and praise the Creator. How do I know? If you praise me about a scarf I knitted for you, I am so happy to know that you are happy and that you appreciate the time and work that went into my gift. And in whose image are we made ?? When we compliment or praise a fellow creation of God, God is praised. So, praise God through your prayers, songs, and thoughts. But also, don't forget to praise God by lifting up his people with compliments and praise.

I guess I have to tell you about the outcome of the tournament. The fellows won. Just wait until next year guys, us ladies have plans !!

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