Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Blessed Day

Abraham was now old and well advanced in years, and the Lord blessed him in every way. Genesis 24:1

Old Abraham had an amazing life, filled with ups and downs. But, he was faithful and listened to the Lord.
Let's do an experiment today. (Some of you are probably farther along on your walk than some of us and do this everyday!) Let's have a day of counting our blessings. After you read this take a moment and make a start on a list of ways you have been blessed. Then, as you go through the day, add to it. At the very moment you start to feel a little grumpy, stressed, miffed, put upon or out of sorts, immediately think of a blessing and thank the Lord for it, write it down. If you have a moment of fun, laughter, see a beautiful sight, hear from a friend, thank the Lord for it and write it down. I am thinking we will have a long, beautiful list by the end of the day and a much better day to boot.
I'll start...miffed: my husband just walked out the door to play golf (really, not two minutes ago!). I have no golf plans for the day. Blessing: It is a beautiful sunshiny day with little wind, the sky is so blue it makes you wish you were a painter. Thank you Lord for sight.
Are we ever in for a beautiful day !!! Let me know how it goes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AMEN SISTER Love you, Praised Grace