Monday, March 17, 2008


Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus...emptied...humbled...obedient.... Philippians 2:5,7-8

Over the weekend we played in a golf tournament with another couple. Didn't do too badly, came in third. Could we have done better? Yes. How? I could have listened to advice. How is that for confession on a Monday morning? My putting is horrible right now. Did my spouse offer help? Yes. Was he correct? Yes. Did I listen? I am sure you can fill in the answer to that! I was not humble, nor was I obedient. I could not empty myself of "my way".
I don't care if it is golf advice, medical advice, cooking or parenting tips, if you don't put the ego aside you are not going to learn. If we cannot do the little things, how can we do the big important things? We have to train ourselves at all levels to be open to advice and change. If you want help you have to let it flow from the source of that help and you have to be open to let the flow come into you.
God is so available. Always there to help, teach, lead. We can learn from everything around us, from everyone around us. However, if we are not empty of our own ego, our tight hold on our way, we cannot have room to let God in. If we are not humble enough to accept the right leading it won't flow into us. And if we are not obedient enough to listen and put it into use we will never change.
To me that is what wisdom is all about; having the mind of Christ. We can have the mind of Christ. We can...if we empty our minds of our truth and fill it with God's truth. From the small to the All. humbly obedient.

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