Thursday, March 13, 2008


My people come to you, as they usually do, and sit before you to listen to your words, but they do not put them into practice. Ezekiel 33:31

They have been improving the driving range at the course. A new, long strip of that fake grass has been laid down. It is pretty smooth and you don't take divots. I can go up there and spend an hour (well, maybe 30 minutes) and hit some pretty good shots. As they say, I get my groove going. Smooth and easy, up in the air, far out there. Then I get to the first tee and...hmmm. What happens between the practice tee and the first tee???

I read the Bible, go to church, read my favorite devotionals every morning. I am in the groove. I know what to do. I know what Jesus would do. Then I get out into the real world and...hummm. What happens? Why can't I put into practice all that I know I should be doing. Why am I not always generous, why do I have trouble loving some of my neighbors? Why can I not always turn the other cheek? I'm not saying I don't do some things right, I'm not a complete mess. I think it is because I do not often remember to live in the present. Pay complete, close attention to what I am doing right in this moment. I find when I am totally aware of myself and my actions I can practice what I know is God's will for my life. I can forgive, be generous, helpful, witness, and love those that seem a mite unlovable. I will continue to put more and more of God's message to practice. My life sure will be better. I will find my groove out in the world.

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