Sunday, August 3, 2008

Garment of Praise

...and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. Isaiah 61:3

I try to never miss a day checking in on Lorna at see-through faith. She is an inspiration to me and always makes me think, stretches me. This morning she is talking about praise. Too much, not enough, good reading. I thought about the friends with whom I play golf. One, I have played with for a long time, praises every shot even before it gets off the ground. I mean immediately. She has no idea where it will go, if it is going to end up in the sand, fairway, rough, on the green. She does not take the time to see any results, you just hear her say "Good shot". Needless to say it becomes a phrase you tune out. On the other end of the continuum, is another player that never, and I mean never, praises you on a shot. I could hit a hole in one and she would not open her mouth to compliment the shot. Too much, too little, none at all...what is praise anyway?
To me praise is showing that I appreciated the gift or talent another has received from our Creator. It is a way to bring love into the world. If a child or grandchild has made an A on a spelling test, your praise is an acknowledgement that God has given this person an intelligent brain and memory, or perseverance to learn something. If a friend can take apart an engine and put it back to gather, that is a praise situation. A good golf shot shows practice and good muscle memory. God gives us gifts and talents and the ability to see them in others. Use that recognition as a way to praise God by praising your friends, family and anyone else.
Isaiah said that the spirit of the Lord was on him to bestow a garment of praise on those who were grieving in Zion. So like Isaiah's gift, put on a garment of praise and let it shine. Bask in the praise of others and hand out that praise that is deserved. You are thanking God for the blessings, gifts and talents that you can recognize. When you praise God's creations you are praising God.
Have a blessed day in Vancouver, you know who you are.

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