Monday, August 18, 2008

Self Righteous Forgiveness

...forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:32

In golf, after you hit a crummy shot that lands 42 yards to the left of your target in the bushes covered with prickly things, you are supposed to shake it off and forget it. Don't let it bother you or it will affect your next shot. I noticed in many of the Olympic events the commentators saying "so-in-so" gymnast/swimmer/runner should forget some error in their performance and get on with it. Forgive your self for the mistake and go on. Forgive and forget.
I have been spending a lot of time in my prayer chair lately doing the forgive and forget thing. I heard a sermon not long ago on the Lord's Prayer and the part on forgiveness. "Forgive as..." I think all Pastors preach on that now and again. So I have been forgiving right and left. Little slights, big earth shattering hurts, heartbreaking hurts, bringing up memories and making lists. Forgiving everybody for everything. Boy, did I feel good.
This morning something I read triggered my spirit to show me how self righteous I had become about my forgiving. I seemed to have left out a huge part of this process. Whom did I need to ask to forgive me. I have been so wrapped up in my forgiving and forgetting, I forgot to make a list of those I have hurt, slighted, ignored or just plain been mean to. Bet I can tell you right now which list will be longer !!
Now, I am not belittling the time I spent in my chair praying for the Holy Spirit to help me forgive and forget with Christ's love in my heart. No siree. I really know with the help of the Spirit I have come a long way in putting the past behind me. But I have been so one side these last few days.
Back to the chair to look into my heart for those situations I need to lay bare and put before the Throne. Thank you Creator, that you forgive and forget, help me be honest in my plea for forgiveness and bless those that forgive me.

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