Saturday, August 9, 2008

Martha and Mary

"Martha, Martha" the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen the better part, and it will not be taken away from her."

I still cannot play golf!! My back is slowly getting back in shape, but it is going to be at least next week before I will be able to try to swing a club. On the good side, no big housework tasks can be taken on either, just small ones. This forced down time has got me really missing my golf buddies. Two of my golfing sisters are going though some rough times right now. One with her daughter's health and one over her aging father. I wish I could be right in the middle of it helping them in some practical way. I know the two of them are wishing they could do something to "fix" their loved ones. We are all three good Marthas. We do good work, we are helpers, fixers, doers.
I did too much on my trip and did too much when I tried to move something 30 minutes after driving 950 miles in 13 1/2 hours. Now I have time to do nothing. Not really. Now is my Mary time. I have spent a week and two days reading, meditating, praying, getting my thoughts and priorities straighten out. I see so much ego-will in the last two months, not enough of God's will. I see too many of my fixes, not enough of God's.
My back pain will go away, it will heal. I will be physically healthy soon. But, more importantly, I have something better, something that cannot be taken away. I am deeper into my walk. I am slowed and mindful of the moments. I can "do" something very special for my two golf buddies. I can hold them in God's love through prayer. I can hold them in my heart and let the Holy Spirit take it where it where it is supposed to go.

1 comment:

wayfarerjon said...

I so like your last paragraph "I have something better, something that cannot be taken away. I am deeper into my walk." This is precious. Something I did not really learn until my walking became restricted.