Sunday, May 18, 2008

Do and Wait

Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, And he will strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord. Psalm 27:14

Everything I do today let me do it through you, for you. That thought prayer just automatically came to me as I rolled over while waking up this morning. It followed me into the kitchen, making the bed, checking my e-mail. Always at the center of my mind. "Everything I do today let me do it through you, for you". Then during my devotional reading time the above passage from Psalms was presented. I'm on the second year of working through The Daily Reader for Contemplative Living, based on Father Thomas Keating's works. So I am to do and wait.
Seems backwards to me, what about you? First I pray do, then I'm guided to wait. Shouldn't I wait for God to show me what to do and then go do it? Am I being too reflective, too thoughtful about what this means? I don't think so. I think I had to see these two thoughts side by side and then pray about them.
What do they mean for me today? I think, after prayer, they mean I am not supposed to sit around today for some big revelation from God before I enter the day's living. I am to step out and live, aware that all I do and say should be done through and for my Creator, at the same time waiting for God to open the path as I go. Do, live; wait, listen.
Times such as this are what make this course I am playing so interesting and challenging. My attention needs to be on the little details, like do and wait. Because tomorrow it might be wait and do.

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