Friday, May 23, 2008

Prayer Time

Again he prayed,... James 5:18

Fridays are not a day in my date book that are marked for golf. Those days are Tuesday and Thursday, with others thrown in when I can. Friday is prayer group day. We meet at the church to pray for our church, country, friends, families, and any specific requests we have received. So maybe on Fridays we will take some time here to talk more specifically about prayer.
Over there on the right side I put a link to a site that will help you if you are new to prayer, It is a place to go even if you have been a prayer all your life. When you get to the home page there will be a spot where you can click onto an explaination for centering and contemplative prayer. When I began my path into contemplative prayer, I found Father Keating and his writings. If you would like to or feel you are being led into a deeper prayer life this is a place to start.
My life has changed 360 degrees since I began to spend time open to God. Changed, as I am still and wait for the Love to come in.
Please remember if you need prayer or have a request, I am here. I will join mine with yours and if you want, I'll take it with me on Fridays.

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