Saturday, May 24, 2008

Run Through the Door

After this I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in heaven. Revelation 4:1

When I was growing up, still in school, this weekend was always the best one in the year. It was the water shed of all weekends, it was off with the old on with the new. It was the end of the year for me, the start of summer. I am not a good enough writer to explain the absolute joy this weekend brought to me, the anticipation of great things to come. I knew there would be swimming every day, golf, picnics every Monday night, baseball games, being outside morning till night, running up to the neighbors, going to the lake, just days and days of freedom.
When I woke up this morning I actually had a glimmer of that same old feeling inside me. Not quite as strong as when I was 9 or 10 years old, but I could feel it. An excited feeling in my belly of things to come...swimming, visits and travel to family already scheduled, a bunch of golf tournaments, dinners with friends. This morning it was like a door was standing open and I was excited about getting up and running through it. Just like the old days...just get up and run through it, enter the summer full tilt.
In Revelations, John saw a door standing open in Heaven. That must have been an exciting feeling of anticipation. As above so below, I love that thought. The door to the Kingdom is here and open, we just have to go through. Run through with hope and joy at what we will find. Here in our lives on earth we get glimmers of what it is like in the Kingdom that is so near.
The door to summer is open, so is the door to the Kingdom.

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